2012.06.29 HYH Minutes
Tig Welder:Spend $1000 of HSL money and $1000 member contributed funds VOTE: 8 For/1 Against PASSED
Band saw purchase: 1412.97+s/h or cheaper VOTE: 7 For/3 Against PASSED
$25 members can vote and count towards quorum VOTE: 8 For/1 Against PASSED
Quorum consists of 8 members to be present at the beginning of Hack Your Hackerspace VOTE: 7 For/2 Against PASSED
Hack Your Hackerspace begins between 7:00pm-7:30pm VOTE: 7 For/1 Against PASSED
Yes/No/Abstain: Motion carries based on majority of voting members non including abstentions VOTE: 8 For/0 Against PASSED
Hack your hackerspace to be held on 2nd Monday and 4th Thursday of the month VOTE: 1 For/8 Against FAILED
Reserve budget: $10000 approximately 3 months operating expenses VOTE: 11 For/0 Against PASSED
Polo shirt purchase: 12x$26 shirt $312 total expenditure VOTE: 6 For/1 Against PASSED
Tshirt purchase: Black on Black HSL Design 36 in various sizes $315 total expenditure VOTE: 8 For/3 Against PASSED
Station budgets as outlined in Jose's proposal: Approx $475/month expenditure VOTE: 11 For/0 Against PASSED