Board:12 Jan 2012

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HeatSync Labs
Non-Profit Organization
Board of Administration
Open Session January 12, 2012
7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m.

HeatSync Labs 
140 W Main Street.
Mesa, AZ 85201
Board Members (Alphabetical by Last Name):
Will Bradley
Jose Diaz
Jeremy Leung
Ryan Rix
Jacob Rosenthal



19:36 meeting called to order

Roll Call

Board Members Present:
Jeremy Leung (presides)
Jacob Rosenthal (taking time)
Will Bradley
Jose Diaz
Ryan Rix (taking notes)

Members present:
Clark Jones
Prescott Ogden
Paul Hickey
Nate Caine

Blaine Bublitz

Approval of Previous Minutes

Unanimous consent, prior meeting minutes pass

Comments From Members

At this time Members whose dues are in good and current standing shall have an opportunity to comment on any item relevant to the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. This opportunity is non-transferable and speakers are limited to a single one (1) minute comment.

Allowing full discussion today for these important topics. All members to speak to any topic at any time.


Director Reports

Jacob Rosenthal

Suggests opening discussion on moving to yearly board meetings, bring discussion before next board meeting pass off time for discussion of Financial reports

Jeremy Leung

Sees us getting comfortable in the space, wants to see some progression in the new space, getting past the holiday slowness

Jose Diaz

Opens with Financial report 2011q4 Reference slides

Jeremy asks if the incoming revenue referenced is just membersihp revenue, or includes donations. Jose says that it does not include donations

Jacob opens comment on income, donors, basically we have a lot of money and should spend it. We need to spend this money since we're a nonprofit, let's do something fun. Are we buying a building next year? electrical buildout? Station head budgets? 3D printer? router? mill? suggests opening discussion on this

Nate comments on finance, doesn't hurt to save money for summer utilities in case we lose membership during the heat so that we don't go over the edge. Also supports are heads have budgets available.

Jose asks that we establish budget for each area.

Jacob says that the board feels weird spending membership money and asks members to open discussion on purchases.

Clark comments on experience with 501(c)3, won't raise eyebrows as long as cash on hand is below one year of expenses.

Prescott also believes we need to start spending the money we have saved in the bank, as well. Currency of the hackerspace is energy and enthusiasm, not money. raises point on being excited makes us do cool stuff, and tools make us excited. We don't have huge risks, we made it through q4.

Will wonders if the board needs to approve large expenses, or does it only need the treasurer and board's unofficial approval.

Jose, policy that has been established is that the board has a procurement request, goes to the board and the two champions to verify that we want to spend money on it.

Will Bradley

Operation-wise, ad-hoc donations and general mess have been a pet peeve among membership, has been working to make sure we're on top of that, coordinate tearapart and HYH to address the mess has taken care of a lot of that

Not sure how to handle random stuff appearing in the lab

Will is integrating RFID interlocks with station members

Thanks to operations team for doing better than he could have expected.

Ryan Rix

Mirrors Will's commentary, suggests that we yield his time to Jose for discussion of upcoming bylaws

Jose will be discussing updated by-laws outside of meeting time, and we will be adopting the by-laws at our next meeting.

Jeremy explains changes of by-laws as something our non-profit lawyers suggested to make them more legally standing

New Business



Jeremy says that it is important that we open discussion on procurement

Jeremy moves to call the meeting to adjournment Unanimous consent, meeting called to adjournment at 20:05

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