Board:11 Feb 2010
Old Business LAN Party (status) - Jeremy. Doesn’t think that it is feasible from a security standpoint. HSL was offered a tour of PNap. Jeremy to schedule. Next weekend. Zach and Will to spearhead a business model and plan for LAN party.
Auction Research - Shannon. She’s not here. No update. Possible email? Jacob to email.
Gangplank (keys/move) - Jacob. Keys to go out. Request all 7 members for keys. Jacob will email him for that. Tour of new Gangplank? Jacob.
Shirt Sales (update) - Andrea. Will look at it on Wednesday. Email out results. Make sure to check out the thread on Labcoats.
Make Magazine - Jeremy. Check to mailed to Andrea’s house.
IEEE Banquet - David. GOLD bought a table at IEEE banquet. 6pm on Saturday. Hilton on University.
Rep Rap Funds - Andrea. Worked out with David.
Bios - Well done thus far. David
IRS Update - Andrea and Jeremy. Jeremy to compile a To-Do list.
SkySong Update - Jacob, Jeremy, Andrea. Visited ASU SkySong and presented to the prototyping class. Made contact with a couple people and hope to maintain contact.
New Business
Arduino Night - changes to the program; need more space - ask Derek about using the main Gangplank space for the monthly meeting once/if Hack night gets moved to new location. Jacob
Google Checkout/PayPal - updates from the companies. Need to contact PayPal. Did the email to Google Checkout get sent? Jeremy and Will.
Dues - get dues to Andrea by 28th of February.
Financial Update - update by next board meeting at latest. Andrea. Pass off to Jose in future for financial work.
Space Blimb - We need a leader for the project. Anyone to spearhead?
IRS 501c3 - Need to create a narrative and finish the financials. David and Jacob to work on the narrative and Jacob and Jeremy to finish the financials. Due by Thursday.
ByLaws - Need to adopt bylaws and include a conflict of interest clause and sexual harassment/nondiscrimination clause. David and Andrea to complete this. Due by Thursday.
Sponsorships- Various sponsorships from Avnet, CnC, and Surge.
Membership Packet - Working on something. Andrea. Send out whole thing complete by Saturday night.
GoogleVoice - Asterisk account for information about HSL. Zach and Will.
Ignite Phoenix - Rick brings up Ignite Phoenix. There is a 5 minute talk. March something. Tickets available soon.
MakersFaire - May in San Francisco, CA. Jeremy and Andrea going. Anyone else? Coordinate. Andrea.
Action Items
Everyone needs to read the draft application
everyone needs to submit resume and type qualifications
Everyone DUES DUE! next month coming up!
Jacob Find out from Derek on status of move (arduino night filling up!) our move? Assume were taking over arduino night - post something on their group and lock down? request keys for all 7, keys on new place 501c3 Narrative - Assisted by David, fallback on Jeremy - By next Thursday 501c3 Financials - Assisted by Jeremy by next Thursday Email shannon on auction ignite! subcommittee - put on calendar to be ready for next one, everyone to go to this one
Jeremy Follow up with dan collins - siggraph 501c3 Financials - Assisted by Jacob by next Thursday Paypal MakerFaire - contact hackerspaces for some kind of team up - plastic parts collected from each?
Drea Email out on 501c3 status Will have update on all financials (shirts, make) for next board meeting Bylaws by Tuesday assisted by David Info out on Makerfair
David 501c3 Narrative - Assisted by Jacob, fallback on Jeremy - By next Thursday Bylaws by Tuesday assisted by Drea Post bylaws by tuesday tell people to come vote Elevator pitch/about on front page
Will Form committee for lan party - by next board meeting with Zach
Zach Form committee for lan party - by next board meeting with Will Asterisk for Gvoice number - with Rick by next board meeting
Rick Asterisk for Gvoice number - with Zach by next board meeting