Board:21 Dec 2010 Meeting

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File:HSL Board Meeting 12-21-2010.doc

HeatSync Labs Non-Profit Organization
Board of Administration
Open Session
21st of December, 2010

260 S. Arizona Avenue 
Chandler, AZ 85225 

Board Members(Alphabetical by Last Name):
Will Bradley
Jose Diaz
David Huerta (late)
Jeremy Leung
Jacob Rosenthal
Matt Shepard
Joyce Tang
Andrea Young

A reminder, all issues for consideration must be provided to the Secretary in written form at least 24 hours prior to the necessary posting date for that meeting.  Any written materials distributed to the Board in connection with this agenda will be made available at the meeting location located at the address at or just prior to the meeting.


Call to Order and Roll Call

Members Present: David Ulhman, Chisom Wildermuth, Corey Renner, Harold Meier, and Paul Hickey

Motion to move 12/23 meeting business to 12/21: Passes Unanimously.

Comments From Members

At this time Members whose dues are in good and current standing shall have an opportunity to comment on any item relevant to the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. This opportunity is non-transferable and speakers are limited to a single one (1) minute comment.

Director Report

Champion: The board recently appropriated funds of the total Kickstarter funds raised plus $1,200 to purchase a laser cutter and authorized Jeremy Leung to complete research on possible options and provide a recommendation.  Jeremy will be presenting his final report and recommendations stemming from the research in his report titled “HeatSync Labs Initial Vision 2011”.

Resource Director: Thank Jeremy and Jacob for helping to finish the shelving units for the lab.

Marketing/PR: Still need 12 more backers for Kickstarter. Please keep retweeting etc.

Treasurer: Looking for in 2011 more fiscal transparency and create a budget. Need to take some time to create a goal and outlook for the 2011 year. Looking into credit cards early into 2011. Establish draft of the budget - looking for each chairperson to submit information on their own position in 2011.

Editor: Post going out thanking everyone for their work on the lasercutter. Philadelphia hackerspace is looking to start their own cutter and Noisebridge is having serious financial problems - use some effort to support them.

Old Business

Information Items:

1.  Jeremy Leung - Report on communications with Scott Cate

New Business

Action Items:

1.  Motion of temporary suspension of the rules to cancel the normal scheduled board meeting on the 23rd of December, 2010 and conduct that meetings business in this meeting.

2. Approval of the December 9th Meeting Minutes. Jacob motions, David seconded. Motion for Unanimous Decision: Pass

3.  Jeremy Leung - Motion to adopt Robert’s Rule of Order and necessary legal requirements for the conducting of board meetings as arbitrated by the Secretary and Champions. Jeremy Motions. Jacob seconded. Motion for Unanimous Decision: Objected (Huerta) Jose - Amendment: Strike out “necessary legal requirements”, substitute “as guidelines”. Will seconds. Vote: Matt, Will, and Jose ya. Joyce, Matt, Jeremy, Jacob, David, and Drea, nay. David - Amendment: “10 Rules of Robert’s Rules for the conducting of board meetings as arbitrated by the Secretary and Champions. as selected by an exploratory committee as selected by the Champions to be established and announced at the succeeding board meeting”. Drea seconds. Vote: Drea, Jose, Matt, Joyce, David, and Will: ay. Jeremy, Jacob, nay. Amendment passes. Vote on Motion: Drea, Jose, Matt, Will, and David: ya. Joyce, Jeremy, and Jacob, nay. Motion Passes.

4.  Jeremy Leung - Motion to authorize Jeremy Leung to move forward with the invoicing of a laser cutter per the information presented in report titled                   "HeatSync Labs Initial Vision 2011". Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Vote: Unanimous decision.

5.  Jacob Rosenthal - Proposal that all scheduling and coordination for public talks be consolidated into the Secretary/Scribe position. Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Call to Unanimous: Pass.

6.  Jacob Rosenthal - Motion to make a final decision due back to Urban Stew on Wednesday 22nd on interest in a January 15th workshop event. Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Vote: Jacob, Jose, Matt, and Joyce: ya. Will, David, Drea: nay Motion passes.

Vote: To Extend Meeting - Unanimous til 8:30

7.  Will Bradley - Motion to restrict board scope and discussion to finances, membership, and constitutional goals -- all other endeavors to be reserved for committees. Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Drea - Amendment: That discussion be restricted to these three topics, finances, membership, and constitutional goals, but that the board still vote and approve the other aspects within HeatSync Labs. Amendment Vote: Jacob, Will, David, Jose: nay. Drea, Matt, Joyce: ya. Amendment passes. Motion Vote: Jacob, Will, and David: ya. Drea, Jose, Matt, and Joyce: nay.

8. Will Bradley - Motion to require the Treasurer to present:

                           a financial summary at each meeting;
                           a profit and loss statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet at the first meeting after each quarter;
                           an additional comprehensive financial report at the first meeting after the end of a fiscal year.

Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Jacob - Amendment - Strike “each meeting” to include “first board meeting of the month” Vote on Amendment: Jacob, Will, Drea, Matt, Joyce, Jeremy: ya. David, Jose: nay. Amendment passed. Unanimous - Object Vote: Jacob, Will, Drea, Matt, Joyce, Jeremy: ya. David, and Jose: nay.

Vote: To Extend Meeting - Unanimous til 8:45

9.  Jose Diaz - Motion that we put in place guidelines/policies for equipment use and cleanup. Each board member has 1 min for discussion. Matt - Amendment - Create a committee to create guidelines and polices for the workspace and present findings at the next board meeting (first one in January). (Committee consists with Matt and Drea etc) Call for Unanimous decision on Amendment. Passes. Call for Unanimous decision on the Motion. Passes.

Information Items:



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